Contact Information
you need an officer for a local function, please try to contact the
officer directly. If unsuccessful, call Trevor Lucas at the state
office. It is customary to pay an officer’s expenses both
ways (45¢ per mile), using mileage from the official State Highway
Department map.

Kayla Poling, Silo H.S.
Folsom Road 1425
Durant, OK 74701
Cooper Kline N. Rock Creek HS
343996 E Hwy 18B
Chandler, OK 74834
Aubrie McEndoo, Stillwater HS
1520 S Cottonwood Road
Stillwater, OK 74074
Northeast Area VP
Anna Jo Helling, Inola HS
33400 S 4240 Road
Inola, OK 74036
Northwest Area VP
Casyn Larman, Mulhall-Orlando HS
PO Box 97
Orlando, OK 73073
Central Area VP
Grace Wright, Stratford HS
11132 US Hwy 177
Byars, OK 74831
Southeast Area VP
Titus Montgomery, Red Oak H.S.
PO Box 281
Red Oak, OK 74563
Southwest Area VP
Caleb Ames, Duke HS
210 E 4th Street
Duke, OK 73532